
Maryland Drug Manufacture Lawyer

A defendant can be charged with a serious crime involving the manufacture of controlled substances simply for having equipment that could be used to produce narcotics. A defendant can also be charged for having large quantities of substances that suggest intent to manufacture.  The crime of manufacturing controlled substances is a felony, so it is imperative to consult a Maryland drug manufacture lawyer to help you fight charges and try to stay out of prison. Schedule a consultation with a Maryland drug lawyer today.

How Can a Maryland Drug Manufacture Lawyer Help You?

Charges for drug manufacture can be brought against you simply because police and prosecutors believe you have tools or equipment intended to manufacture drugs. However, there may be innocent explanations or alternative reasons why you have substances or equipment in your possession. If the prosecutor cannot prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you were manufacturing or intended to manufacture a controlled substance, you should not be found guilty of a crime.

Raising doubts about whether you were actually manufacturing substances is only one of many options you have when responding to charges. With the help of a Maryland drug manufacture attorney, t is also possible to:

  • Try to have evidence suppressed or prevented from being used by prosecutors if your Constitutional Rights were violated in the search process.
  • Make arguments in court or point out the prosecutor’s insufficient proof in order to secure a not guilty
  • Reach a deal with the prosecutor in which you are granted immunity in exchange for testifying against others.
  • Negotiate a plea deal so you are faced with lesser charges or reduced penalties if you admit guilt and do not make the prosecutor take the case to trial.

The right approach to take is going to depend upon many factors including the specific nature of the charges, the evidence that has been obtained to use against you, and the willingness of the prosecutor to negotiate a plea agreement with your attorney. A Maryland drug manufacture lawyer can provide assistance in evaluating available options to determine what legal strategy is going to help you best navigate the criminal justice system to deal with your serious charges.

Drug Manufacture Laws in Maryland

Maryland Code Section 5-602 indicates that a person may not manufacture a controlled substance, nor may a person possess a “sufficient quantity” of any controlled substances in such volumes as to suggest intent to manufacture narcotics. Code Section 5-603 also prohibits manufacturing and possessing instruments, equipment, devices, or combinations of items that are adapted to produce controlled substances or that reasonably indicate intent to manufacture controlled substances.

Under these statutes, a defendant can be charged with a felony offense of manufacturing a controlled substance even without ever manufacturing a single narcotic or drug.  It is the prosecutor’s obligation to prove that the items or quantities of substances in a defendant’s possession were of sufficient quantity or of a character suggesting narcotics would be manufactured.

Get Help from a Maryland Drug Manufacture Lawyer

A Maryland drug manufacture lawyer can provide invaluable assistance in understanding the complexities of the state’s drug laws related to the creation of distribution of controlled substances. Your attorney will help you to take advantage of protections in the criminal justice system to try to make the laws work for you so you can avoid conviction or get a reduced sentence. Call today to schedule a consultation to learn more.