
Types of Traffic Offenses in Maryland

Maryland traffic offenses only carry a fine and points as a potential penalty. However, a traffic offense may possibly result in jail time. A person has the right to appeal with an experienced traffic lawyer by their side, within 30 days of the trial date. There are non-refundable fees for filing an appeal. Such appeals will occur in the Maryland Circuit Courts. Most traffic violations carry a penalty of sixty days in jail and/or a $500 fine. For traffic infractions, penalties never include any jail time.

Payable Violations

There are two types of traffic offenses in Maryland, the first is payable, minor traffic offenses and the second is a must appear, which is reserved for serious traffic offenses.

“Payable” traffic violations include:

  • Speeding tickets
  • Running a stop sign
  • Improper turning

One can choose to plead guilty to and pay a fine without having to appear in court.“Payable” traffic violations are not punishable by jail time. There are three options for payable Maryland traffic offenses:

  • Pay a fine
  • Plead guilty with an explanation and appear for a waiver hearing
  • Request a trial date

If a person chooses not to pay the fine, they must request a waiver hearing or a trial and must appear in person. If someone does not respond within 60 days to any of the three options, the MVA is notified and may suspend that person license.

Speeding-Related Infractions

Speed-related types of traffic offenses in Maryland would be normal, everyday, run-of-the-mill traffic tickets. A DWI would be something that would fall under a misdemeanor here and a DUI would look more like a felony and the person would be incarcerated.


Traffic infractions are heard in the district court in the county in which the infraction occurred. For Maryland traffic offenses, penalties never include any jail time but do include fines and points. A traffic misdemeanor may possibly result in jail time and is any violation in the Maryland Transportation Article unless there is a civil penalty or unless the misdemeanor is increased to a felony.

Most traffic violations are misdemeanors and carry a penalty of sixty days in jail and/or a $500 fine. For traffic infractions, penalties never include any jail time. Minor traffic offenses in Maryland are misdemeanors. For example, going 10 miles over the speed limit.

Appealing Traffic Infraction Convictions

Various types of traffic offenses in Maryland and infractions are heard in the district court in the county in which the infraction occurred. A person has the right to appeal within 30 days of the trial date. There are non-refundable fees for filing an appeal. Such appeals will occur in the Maryland Circuit Courts.

They go to the circuit court of whatever county the matter occurred. If a person got the conviction or there was an issue in the district court of Montgomery County, they would go to the circuit court of Montgomery County. The person would have to file an appeal within 30 days of the trial date. There are non-refundable fees for filing an appeal.

Traffic Law Point System

The points system ranges from 1 to 12, depending on the types of traffic offenses in Maryland. For example, a speeding ticket where the person is going 10 miles over the speed limit is 2 points. A ticket for someone going 30 miles over the speed limit is 5 points. A person could get 12 points for driving under the influence. Points can add to a person’s license in one of two ways. The first being when a person simply pays fine associated with the ticket, thus pleading guilty and accepting the points associated with that ticket. The second would be when the person goes to court and is found guilty, the points associated with the ticket can be added to the person’s license.