
Annapolis Underage DUI Penalties

For an underage driver with a Maryland license, the penalty for a first DUI conviction in Annapolis is usually removal of the person’s license for a given period of time. The person can request a Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) hearing, but they are still likely to face six months of ignition interlock. If the person has a second DUI conviction, and is still under the age of 21, their license will most likely be revoked, and getting it back will be exceptionally difficult.

If a person is 18 years of age or older, their case will be heard in the Maryland District Courts. The maximum DUI penalty that a judge can give is one year in jail and/or a $1,000 fine. For a Driving While Impaired (DWI) conviction, the person faces up to 60 days in prison and/or a $500 fine. To properly defend against such penalties associated with an underage DUI in Annapolis, it is crucial that an individual contact an underage DUI attorney as soon as possible.

Possibility of Jail Time

Jail is always a possibility for a DUI conviction since the maximum penalty for an underage DUI in Annapolis includes up to one year of jail time. It is up to the judge to consider whether or not the person will be put in jail, based on the circumstances. Some judges are more lenient than others, though it is not uncommon that a judge may put a person in jail for at least a weekend to send a strong message.

Long-Term Consequences

When a person under the age of 21 is found guilty of drinking and driving, the penalties associated with their underage DUI can be catastrophic. For example, if the person has a scholarship for college, they can lose the scholarship due to the criminal conviction.

Moreover, if the person is looking to apply to law or medical schools, certificate programs, government work, and more, they will find that the DUI conviction may negatively impact this process. Also, if the person is in the military and they want to go on to be an officer or move up in the ranks, this will likely be much more difficult due to the DUI conviction.

The fact is, there are highly negative stigmas attached to DUI convictions. At face value, having a DUI conviction on a person’s record can make them look reckless, alcoholic, and the type of person who is willing to put others at risk for their own personal gratification, especially if the person is underage. Having a DUI on a person’s record is something that resonates with their character, future employers, higher education institutions, and others will likely question the person about it.

However, if a person manages to get probation before judgment, this is not considered a conviction. This does stay on the person’s record, though, which can be seen by the Motor Vehicle Administration, the judge, and many other government officials. If the person ever applies for a government position, their future employers will likely be able to see it as well, and may ask the person questions accordingly despite no conviction on their record. In the State of Maryland, these records can rarely be expunged, meaning the probation before judgment (PBJ) could stay on the person’s record forever. In the case of DUIs, expungement is only available if the PBJ is received 15 years after the date the petitioner was discharged from probation.

Alternative Sentences

For all intents and purposes, there really are no alternative sentences. A person convicted of a DUI will be tasked with conditions of probation, which may include completing an alcohol education program. Some states do have programs that may allow a person to qualify for alternative sentences, but Maryland is not one of them.

Obtaining a Restricted License

An individual with a DUI conviction is not likely to find an administrative judge who would be willing to give them a restricted license. That person instead may be put on ignition interlock as part of their underage DUI penalties in Annapolis. The person will be tested as they drive for the next six months in order for the judge and prosecutors to be certain that the individual has no alcohol in their system at each time they start and stop the vehicle.