Annapolis DUIs and Security Clearance
For those individuals employed by the federal government, if part of their contract says they must disclose that they have received a DUI, they may need to make that disclosure. If they do not make this sort of disclosure when they are required to, they may be let go from their job.
When someone thinks they may have a problem with alcohol and dependency issues, they should immediately report to HR or seek treatment. Many employers, especially the federal government, have dependency related rules and places where people can go for help. These resources can be essential for any individual that is currently facing any sort of legal trouble or substance dependency.
If you have received a DUI in Annapolis, it may have an effect on your security clearance. It is important to consult with an attorney to help ensure you are taking the necessary steps to preserve your job in light of such a charge.
Impact on Security Clearance
In Annapolis, there are companies that do government work as well as many major governments in the area and if a person is working with them, they may need a form of security clearance. When someone already has a security clearance and they receive a DUI charge or conviction, they can lose their clearance right away. If a security clearance is required for a person’s employment and they no longer have it, they cannot be employed.
Being convicted or even accused of a DUI can have an impact on an individual’s clearance, so it is important that any person involved obtain legal representation as soon as possible.
Having a DUI in Annapolis can jeopardize a person’s ability to obtain a security clearance. The DUI is a strike against a person’s character and could be a strike against their liability. Someone on probation must be employed somewhere where they are able to be out once or twice a month for something related to the DUI that is required under their probation guidelines. Some employers do not allow their employees to be on probation at all.
Disclosing the Charge
The number one priority in such a case is to understand what responsibility a person has to their employer regarding disclosure, and if any disclosure is necessary in the immediate moment. If it is not necessary for a person to disclose the DUI charge, then perhaps a person chooses not to disclosure it in the beginning while they are fighting to prove their innocence. If the person wins their case, the DUI charge can be expunged from the record. Then it is a conversation the person does not necessarily need to have.
The attorney-client relationship provides confidentiality between the two parties. Any communication between the client and attorney is protected from disclosure to any third party. The attorney can advise a person about their responsibilities regarding disclosure of an Annapolis DUI charge to their employer, and how it can impact their current security clearance. However, it is up to the person to decide what action to take.