Montgomery County Theft Lawyer
If you are facing a criminal charge pertaining to theft, such as shoplifting or robbery, legal assistance is available. A Montgomery County theft lawyer could review the circumstances of the alleged theft and recommend a possible defense to the charges against you. An experienced criminal defense lawyer could work with you to prepare the best defense possible and help you fight for the best outcome possible.
The penalties for theft convictions vary based on whether the offense was charged as a misdemeanor or felony. Felony theft convictions can result in extensive prison sentences, as well as hefty fines.
Considering the severity of the possible penalties upon conviction, it is in your best interest to seek the guidance and assistance of a legal professional, such as a theft attorney, rather than attempt to fight theft charges on your own.
Misdemeanor Theft and Penalties
Theft offenses are described in Title 7 of the criminal law code of Maryland. Shoplifting, larceny, embezzlement, false pretenses, and receiving stolen property all constitute theft under the law.
Section 7-104 of the Maryland criminal law code categorizes theft offenses as either misdemeanors or felonies, depending on the value of the property, goods, or services that were taken. Allegedly stealing property or services valued at less than $1,500 is categorized as misdemeanor theft.
The penalty upon conviction for the theft of property, goods, or services worth between $100 and $1,500 is a jail sentence of up to six months and a $500 fine. The penalty upon conviction for the theft of property, goods, or services valued at less than $100 is up to 90 days in jail and a fine of $500 or less.
Multiple convictions for misdemeanor theft could result in more severe legal sanctions, and a lawyer for theft in MoCo could answer specific questions about the possible penalties for prior theft convictions. Additionally, if a person has a history of other legal offenses, it may also negatively impact their case.
Felony Theft and Penalties
Felony theft involves the unauthorized taking of property, goods, or services worth more than $1,500. The penalty upon conviction for the theft of items with a value of between $1,500 and $25,000 is a prison sentence of up to five years and a fine $10,000 or less.
The penalty upon conviction for the theft of items valued between $25,00 and $100,000 is a prison term of up to ten years and a fine of $15,000 or less. The penalty upon conviction for the theft of items valued at more than $100,000 is a prison term of up to 20 years and a fine of $25,000 or less. A MoCo theft lawyer could help a person facing felony theft charges fight for a reduced penalty if convicted.
Speak with a Montgomery County Theft Attorney Today
A conviction for theft could result in serious legal penalties, including jail or prison time. You have the best chance of obtaining a potentially favorable outcome when you have legal representation. A Montgomery County theft lawyer could advocate for you, protect your rights, and fight to obtain an optimal outcome in your case.
Fighting theft charges on your own can be both challenging and overwhelming. Let an experienced legal professional who is familiar with Maryland theft laws and who knows how to navigate the legal system fight for you.
Speak with a MoCo attorney for theft today about securing the legal representation you deserve.