Ammunition Laws for Guns in Maryland
Ammunition is regulated in a similar fashion to guns. Ammunition laws for guns in Maryland that apply to firearms apply to the sale and purchase of ammunition because there are laws regarding public safety and not just criminal codes. An individual has to be very careful because they could be affected by whether or not they are in violation of public safety. Maryland public safety law states that a person may not possess ammunition if that person is prohibited from possessing a regulated firearm.
Contacting a distinguished gun lawyer can help clarify the ammunition laws and regulations that apply to you. A Maryland gun lawyer will have the local knowledge necessary to assist you in any legal trouble you may be facing.
Criminal Law vs. Public Safety
Both criminal law and the public safety laws are different, but both kinds of laws regulate firearms and firearm ammunitions. Ammunition law itself is an incredibly broad term which can apply to a cartridge, shell, or any device containing an explosive or incendiary material that can be loaded.
Maryland ammunition laws require any person engaged in the business of loading or reloading small arms’ ammunition obtain a license, and a license is also required for possession and storage of quantities over five pounds. This includes five pounds of smoke or powder for the loading and reloading of small arms’ ammunition such as a handgun. It can also be black powder for the loading and reloading of small arms’ ammunition.
There are some exceptions to ammunition laws for guns in Maryland but they are all very important. An individual should bear in mind that there are federal prohibitions and Maryland sits very closely in adopting every federal regulation.
Possessing Ammunition in Maryland
A person can legally possess ammunition when they are licensed in Maryland for having a regulated firearm and for dealing or possessing or loading and reloading. An individual has to understand that ammunition laws for guns in Maryland have restrictions on where they may move ammunition and where they may store it. If a person is a legally-certified holder of a firearm, this does not mean that they are always able to possess ammunition. The gun and the ammunition should be separate. Unless an individual has something related to the business that the individual is doing where they are now qualified for that specific special permit, they are not going to be able to transport a loaded gun.
A proper gun safe is important. They should keep it separate from the firearm, such as keeping it safe like in a locked box, safe or something that keeps it out of harm’s way, especially if they have children in the home or they are in a multi-dwelling home, like a condo.
Transferring of large capacities of ammunition in Maryland requires a license to sell ammunition, especially large amounts. Essentially, large amounts are going to be processed by licensed dealers only in specific places. There are also ammunition laws for guns in Maryland on buying in the state and getting approval by the Maryland State Police.
Maryland Sale and Distribution
Maryland law enforcement tracks the sale and distribution of ammunition by keeping regular contact with gun dealers or any place that involves guns, guns’ ammunition, who is making purchases, and how much is being purchased by them. Ammunition laws for guns in Maryland are well-known for being one of the toughest states to get a general permit.
An individual should know that the State of Maryland is watching everything and the police continue to strengthen the laws and the power of law enforcement to enforce them. Police are watching and waiting for the reports to come in from anywhere that is selling. This may include when people are going to certain firing ranges, how often they are there, what they are firing, and how long they spend time there.
Restricted Ammunition
Someone who does not have the ability to have a gun permit should not have the ammunition. According to ammunition laws for guns in Maryland, illegal ammunition is for specific guns like those with a detachable magazine, ammunition feeder or those that are rapid fire like some automatic weapons.
In Maryland Criminal Law 4305-D, no person may manufacture, sell or offer to sell, purchase, receive or transfer a detachable magazine that has a capacity of more than 20 rounds. There are also laws about prohibited ammunition purchases, such as minimum age. For example, armor piercing ammunition is prohibited by federal law. People cannot manufacture, transport, sell or deliver an armor piercing ammunition, with very limited exceptions.
Lawfully Buying Ammunition
There are ammunition laws for guns in Maryland regulating the purchases of ammunition on certain jackets and projectiles larger than 22 caliber intended for guns and on ammunition intended for use in handguns whose jacket has a weight of more than 25 percent of total projectile. Generally, Maryland follows federal law with regards to the illegal use of certain types of ammunition, specifically armor piercing ammunition.
According to ammunition laws for guns, an individual really only needs ammunition for the firearms that an individual owns and they should not be modifying nor doing anything with any other type of ammunition in any way, shape or form. That would make it illegal.
However, people can have multiple weapons under laws for guns in Maryland. They must have the legal type of ammunition for each one of them but not have anything on their premises or home that would not be related to or would be considered illegal in any way.