Penalties for Theft in Horseshoe Casino
Theft cases, especially those that occur in a casino, can be treated harshly in a court of law. Therefore, it is important for the accused individual to know the options that they have in terms of defending themselves against such a charge. An experienced theft attorney can help in this regard both in preparing those accused for what to expect, and by mitigating the penalties and other damage as much as possible. To learn more or discuss the specific penalties you may be facing, consult with an attorney today.
Influencing Factors
Penalties for theft in Horseshoe Casino depends on an individual’s ability to replace an item, and if it can physically be replaced. As a condition of probation, the judge can order an accused individual to actually make payments back to the affected property over a period of time. This can influence the accused person’s probationary period, which could be anywhere from three years to five years depending on the sum being paid back.
An individual has the ability to influence the judge’s reason to put them in jail. If a person has stolen over $100,000, and has fraudulently been utilizing the items in question, and they are caught, they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Casinos are well known for this. If an individual has defrauded the casino in a fashion that can be proven, they will ask for the accused individual to be sent to jail. Sometimes, the casino will request to have the stolen money back, on top of the usual penalties associated with theft in Horseshoe Casino.
It is always up to the judge to instate probation in a way that they consider fitting. If probation is fitting because the court wants the individual to pay the money back, then they will execute a window of time that correlates with the amount of time the accused individual has to pay it back. However, once the payments are made, an individual will go from supervised probation to unsupervised probation, but the state will still have their recommendation in terms of a finite sentencing. This window of payment has a heavy impact on the penalties for theft in Horseshoe Casino.
An attorney will generally tell the judge what they consider fitting, and hopefully, the judge will agree. This could be fortunate if the defense has already thought out a plan ahead of time, and can institute them as the controlling party. This suggests to the judge that the defense would prefer that the probation period be more amendable. This way, the client would have whatever reparations owed to the individual or company made whole by a certain window of time.
Sometimes, if the client has the money available, they can bring a check to court. That move has a substantial impact on a judge, because it shows him or her that the accused party is serious about paying back any debts they owe. By making back the payments, the judge is more inclined to be more receptive to the accused individual. In a lot of cases, if there are no prior theft convictions, a judge will often listen to the lawyer’s suggestions.
Role of a Lawyer
Ultimately, theft is a question of someone’s character, and the client is the best witness. The accused individual will tell the attorney everything that they know about the incident, and the fact that the casino is relying on video they have to make it look like it was them. If a casino is looking over a vast array of cameras, they may be able to deduce that a person in the shot is the accused individual, but it is sometimes difficult to pinpoint exactly.
Videos can reveal someone on camera who may look like another individual, but it is hard to know if it is or isn’t the person accused. It is important for a lawyer to know if they can provide proof that although their client may have been in the casino at the time, they can spot them on camera playing at a table, or somewhere that is not where the alleged crime occurred.
There are hundreds of cameras throughout the casino, with one above every table. However, an entire trial should not rest on the footage of one camera. The attorney will want a subpoena, and many other records to see what information the casino had. They will also want to see if the casino was scanning IDs when the accused came in. If the ID was scanned the day before, but was not scanned the day after, then perhaps the accused individual was not there. These are some of the offenses that may be used in a Horseshoe Casino theft case.