Baltimore Credit Card Fraud Lawyer
When people generally think of credit card fraud, they think of using a credit card that does not belong to them in order to purchase items or services. While this definition of credit card fraud remains true, Baltimore, Maryland has created laws that cover other types of credit card fraud as well.
If you are facing credit card fraud charges in Baltimore, Maryland, an experienced Baltimore credit card fraud lawyer may be able to assist in lessening potentially strict penalties while acting as a strong advocate on your behalf. To learn more about what a Baltimore fraud lawyer can do for you call and schedule a free consultation today to discuss your case.
What is a Credit Card Fraud?
Baltimore, Maryland has separated the crime of credit card fraud into the following classifications which may warrant contact with a Baltimore credit fraud lawyer:
- Fraudulently procuring the issuance of a credit card
- Stealing a credit card
- Creating and/or using a counterfeit credit card
- Obtaining property by counterfeiting, theft, or misrepresentation
Fraudulently Procuring the Issuance of a Credit Card
Maryland Code Section 8-203 makes it against the law for you to knowingly lie on a credit card application to the
extent that you represent yourself as being another individual.
If you have knowingly lied about your true identity on a credit card application with the intent of obtaining a credit card in that name, you could be facing up to 18 months in prison in addition to a possible fine in excess of $500. With prison time and fines on the line, it is often advisable to consult with a Baltimore credit card fraud lawyer to begin planning your defense.
Credit Card Theft
While it is universally known that it is against the law for you to take a credit card belonging to another person without their permission, Section 8-204 expands on that law by also making it unlawful to receive a credit card from an individual whom you know is not the true cardholder, with the intent to use the card. This means that if you were not the person who originally took the credit card from its true owner, you are still liable, under Maryland law, if you accepted the card from another individual.
The penalty for this type of credit card fraud is up to 18 months in prison in addition to a possible fine in excess of $500.
Credit Card Counterfeiting
Credit card counterfeiting is one of the more complex credit card fraud crimes. Section 8-205 makes it against the law to falsely create a credit card with the intent to defraud another individual, or, with the same intent, to sign a credit card without the permission of the true card holder.
If you have been charged with credit card counterfeiting, you could be facing up to 15 years in prison along with a potential $1,000 fine.
Obtaining Property by Counterfeiting, Theft, or Misrepresentation
Section 8-206 covers the actual use of a credit card, whether it was created by counterfeit or stolen from another individual, to acquire an item or service of value.
The penalties associated with using a credit card, or a counterfeit credit card, to obtain goods or services, depend upon the value of the goods or services obtained:
- If the goods or services held a value of $500 or more, you could be facing up to 15 years in prison and a $1,000 fine.
- If the goods or services held a value between $100 and $499, you could be facing up to 18 months in prison and a fine in excess of $500.
- If the goods or services held a value up to $100, you could face a penalty of up to 90 days in jail and a fine up to $500.
Further, in an attempt to deter credit card fraud from gaining increased traction, Baltimore, Maryland has put some responsibility on merchants. Section 8-207 makes it possible that credit card penalties will be brought against a merchant who honors a fraudulent credit card when they know that either the card is not legitimate or the person presenting the card is not the true cardholder.
The penalties associated with a merchant’s participation in credit card fraud are the same as those attributed to the use of a counterfeit credit card to obtain goods or services.
Hiring a Baltimore Credit Card Fraud Lawyer
Credit card fraud is an intent based crime that can be difficult to prove. A knowledgeable Baltimore credit card fraud lawyer may be able to use his or her knowledge of the law to have your penalties reduced or your case dismissed if you have been over, or incorrectly, charged. If you would like to consult with an experienced Baltimore credit card fraud lawyer, please contact our firm.